Georg Semmler is a Diesel core team member and creator of Wundergraph. He is writing Rust code since 2014 and helped to port a geoscientific database system from C++ to Rust. Currently he is writing his PhD thesis at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, where he builds a database system for geoscientist to collaborate on their work and which allows others to reproduce their results.
The rust ecosystem is missing a performant crate to serve GraphQL APIs generated from existing database schemes. Wundergraph fills this niche by utilizing Diesel and Juniper to provide a performant way to serve a database schema as a GraphQL API.
As part of this workshop we will
Each step will be augmented with practical hands-on coding exercises.
If you like to see advanced uses of Rust’s trait system, or if you’re interested in how we managed to write a high-performance GraphQL server library, this workshop is for you.