Peter is a security engineer working with Rust for almost 5 years. At Red Sift, he is working on InGRAIN, a security monitoring platform that uses Rust at its core. In his free time, he runs a social media self-defence workshop at the London CryptoParty and works on open source projects around cryptography, privacy, and distributed systems.
Rahul is Founder and CEO of Red Sift, a venture-backed London start-up building a cognitive cybersecurity platform. He codes, with a specialization in high-performance computation and distributed systems. He built the music search cluster at Shazam, the App that recognizes music over your mobile phone.
In 2019, there’s Kubernetes everywhere, and developers have become used to just dropping a container to get our apps running, then quickly forgetting them until something breaks again. The convenience is hard to question. But how do we know what happens in the meantime? This workshop will introduce the basics of modern Linux monitoring using Rust and eBPF.
You will learn how to write eBPF modules that run inside the kernel to intercept syscalls with Kprobes, filter and monitor network traffic using XDP, and copy packets into user space using socket filters.
We’ll use InGRAINd, Red Sift’s eBPF platform that lets you write all the code in Rust, and compile everything into a single binary, and pop it onto a server without any special setup.
Bring your own workload, containers, VMs, cluster, mainframe, or Raspberry Pi.
On Sunday this workshop will repeat. If you haven’t been before, this is your chance to attend. If you joined on Saturday and want to continue to work with Rust and eBPF on your own, you are invited to come as well.